On-shore Wind farm Simple Cashflow Model Example in Norway
How thick should a stone foundation be for a building without footing?
The Colosseum was built for the people, with a death-roll of 50,000 lives.
Why is a wood structure better at withstanding an earthquake than steel?
Advantages and Disadvantages of an EPC Contractor in an SPC Green energy project (minority investor)
“Mirror Mirror on the wall”, who is the greatest ARCHITECT of them all, and why?
Risks and due diligence involved in an SPC green energy investment project
Smart motorways and there contribute to the sustainability of the UK transport system.
Challenges and solutions in the delivery of Humanitarian Relief
The potential roles of electric Autonomous Vehicles in the Transportation sector
AV's - Key ethical challenges in the adoption of new technologies in Transportation
Global Logistics: A study on Greener and more sustainable supply chain delivery of Amazon, UPS & DHL