Dynamic Analysis
All real physical structures, when subjected to loads or displacements, behave dynamically. The additional inertia forces, from Newton’s second law, are equal to the mass times the acceleration. If the loads or displacements are applied very slowly then the inertia forces can be neglected and a static load analysis can be justified. Hence, dynamic analysis is a simple extension of static analysis.
Dynamic analysis is used to evaluate the impact of transient loads or to design out potential noise and vibration problems.As experienced development engineers our contribution to a dynamic evaluation rarely stops at the analysis output.
Static Analysis
Static analysis is an essential procedure to design a structure. Using static analysis, the structure's response to the applied external forces is obtained. Moreover, the static analysis is performed when the structure is subjected to external displacements, such as differential support settlements
The major differences between the dynamic and static design of structure include:
The design seismic force and its distribution to different levels along the building's height and to the various lateral load-resisting parts must be determined by dynamic analysis. A structure's reaction to external forces can be determined via static analysis.

When comparing dynamic and static analysis, the amount of acceleration in the applied action relative to the structure's natural frequency is what differentiates the two.
It is possible to simplify the analysis to static form if the load is applied slowly enough, thereby eliminating the inertia forces. Therefore, the study of how structures respond to dynamic loading is known as structural dynamics. Humans, wind, waves, vehicles, earthquakes, and explosions are all examples of dynamic loads.
Dynamic loads can be applied to any structure. Modal analysis, temporal analysis, and dynamic displacements are all accessible through dynamic analysis. External displacements, such as differential support settlements, necessitate a static study of the structure.